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Prior to making any investment or hiring any investment manager you should consult with a professional financial advisor, legal and tax advisor to assist in due diligence as may be appropriate and determining the appropriateness of the risk associated with a particular investment. There is nothing in this Site, which constitutes a promotion or offer of any investment product from Cleartrust and it is understood that this Site is only for informational purposes only. In no event shall Cleartrust be responsible or liable for the correctness of any such material or for any damage or lost opportunities resulting from use of this data. Additionally, if in any district or country material such as this is not considered legal it should not be read and is not the responsibility of Cleartrust.

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About Us

Cleartrust Financial Ltd. performs the duties of an independent custodian of assets for self-directed individual and business accounts through its extended infrastructure, and does not provide investment advice, sell investments or offer any tax or legal advice. Clients or potential clients are advised to perform their own due diligence in choosing any investment opportunity as well as selecting any professional to assist them with an investment opportunity. Alternative investments are not insured by the FDIC; are not deposits or other obligations of, or are guaranteed by Cleartrust Financial Ltd; and are subject to investment risks, including possible loss or principal amount invested. Terms Of Use.

© 2022 by Cleartrust Financial Ltd.

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